Monday, July 16, 2012

Moochers, part 2

DISCLAIMER: Lots of cursing.

So, apparently my last blog didn't sit well with someone.

The last text I had gotten from this person before my last blog was posted was on June 15, 2012 at 8:16AM and said, "I'll make my own decisions like you did growing up. You haven't been here for 7 years no need to start being big sis now." This was his final comment in a conversation where I was telling him that he needed to quit taking pictures of homes where he works at (his latest job is being a landscaper) and then posting them on social media sites and how he could get into some major trouble with his boss because of it if one of these clients found out and decided to pursue the matter legally. So since he didn't see that as a helpful piece of advice, he told me he was tired of my "shit" and that I needed to quit being a bitch.

Um, well... sorry if looking out for someone now is defined as "being a bitch".

So, obviously, talking to this guy does absolutely no good, especially when he thinks he knows everything. I'll admit, I had that attitude at one point... and still do sometimes. But all that attitude did was get me into a world of trouble. I've already wrote a blog about my life and things that has happened in it... that's not all by far, but I'm sure when reading it, you can see some of that attitude in there.

But seriously... this is MY blog and I will write in it what I feel like writing at the time. If I feel like ranting in it, then I'm going to do it. If I feel like being mushy in it, then I'm going to do it. If I feel like getting political, then I'm going to do it. This is an outlet for ME. Writing is a part of me and has been for a very long time... ever since I was little. Writing calms me. Writing helps me put things into perspective. Writing is very liberating for me, especially when I am writing about something that I feel very strongly about. Yes, I love to have feedback on it and it's an incredible feeling when someone tells me they like what I've written. But it's also a way for me to get my feelings down so they don't completely overwhelm me. So it's very simple... if you don't like what I write, then don't read my blog.

 That being said, I had the following voicemail when I left work today:

"Hey Sam. I really liked your blog about me. Uh, before you make one of those, you may want to get your shit straight. Uh, first of all, the cars were not handed to me. My first car, I paid for everything for it. I paid for the motor transplant and I paid for the transmission and everything I did to that fuckin car. And yes, this car I've had to talk to Grandma about it and everything I've put on it I've paid with my own damn money. All the gas, I pay with my damn money. I don't go around moochin for fuckin gas money. Alright? I haven't done that for over a year and a half now. Alright? And second of all, um, about me holding a job, I keep trying to better myself. Sorry I lost a good job at the jail and I couldn't keep that, but I'm still trying to fuckin better myself. And about college, you fuckin dropped out so you have no room to talk. Alright? And you want go on saying that I got to get off my lazy ass and go fix something to eat. I cook dinner every now and then, alright? When you lived at home, you didn't cook dinner every fucking night. And you wanna say I don't pay rent. Alright? I do pay fucking rent. You don't live here, you don't know what goes on around here, you don't even live in West Virginia so the stories that you are getting or the stories that you supposedly see are not fucking true. And you can stop stalking my twitter. Stop stalking my facebook and act like a fuckin sister to me and not being a straight up bitch.  Alright? If you feel like you need to call me back, go ahead, you have my fucking number."

That voicemail is verbatim. I listened to that thing about a hundred times to make sure I take his advice and "get my shit straight" and write it down exactly how it was said this way there is no confusion. (I think I was pretty straight forward in my last blog, so there's no reason for me to debate his voicemail. If anyone would like one of his comments cleared up, feel free to ask.) So after this voicemail, I texted this person and said "If you don't like what I write, then don't read it. Plain and simple. Sometimes the truth hurts." The conversation went from there to him telling me how I need to be writing the truth and then refused to tell me exactly what I needed to correct. Then came the phone call. I'm proud to say that I didn't yell at him. I raised my voice from time to time, but I didn't yell. I especially didn't scream the way he did. He did mention that he is "planning" on moving out in 2 months and going to Huntington - the city that his new girlfriend is going to be going to college to. But in the meantime, he's applying for yet another job? Not sure how much of that I can believe. Anyway, the call ended by him screaming something at me because I told him he wasn't working at the jail for much more than 2-3 months and he felt compelled to correct me because he had worked there for 5 months. He said something to the effect of how I need to go back to college so I can learn how to count and then hung up. After the call ended, I sent the following text message, "Oh, so you think you're all big and bad now because you hung up first and tried to get the last dig in. That's fine. Just proves your immaturity level." To which I got the following response, "Fuck you. You're dumb and don't know what the hell you're talking about. Do yourself a favor and worry about yourself and not me and don't bother talking to me again."

So again, I'm going to take his advice. I am "worrying about myself" and getting the stress he has caused me and getting it all out by writing it down. Too bad if he doesn't like the content.

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