Note: With all of the political crap going on lately, I figured today's topic would be more of my opinions :) Please remember, I know not everyone will agree with me, but these are my views and my opinions. And again, I apologize if any content offends anyone.
I believe abortions should be available but only for certain situations - rape, incest, if the baby is going to be stillborn, if the baby will not be able to sustain life on it's own once born, and if the mother's life is in danger. (And by "in danger", I don't mean the "OMG, my life is ruined" kind of danger or the "OMG this baby isn't his" kind of danger or the "OMG I can't afford a baby" kind of danger. I mean the "This woman isn't going to survive if something isn't done now" kind of danger.) There are way too many options out there for pregnant women that for whatever reason cannot keep their baby - adoption being the number one option. It kills me that there are women out there, like myself, that has been trying to get pregnant (not trying to the extreme, but not taking any precautions anymore) and has not been successful but some women that are lucky enough to have such an incredible gift given to them just throw it away... literally.
California's proposed multi parent law:
(If you're not familiar with this, California has proposed a law that will allow more than 2 people to be legally responsible parents for a child / children. They use the example of kids that one biological parent has passed or is unable to be located and then the living or present biological parent gets incarcerated. As of now, children in that situation either go and stay with a stepparent or stay with a family member - none of which have really any legal rights at all so it's very difficult to make medical decisions, etc. - or they go to foster care. With this new law, the stepparent or whomever else the child / children stay with would have legal rights over the child.)
I think it's a good idea for the most part. Being a step parent myself, I can attest to how little we can actually do. I can fill out paperwork for the boys for school, doctor's offices, etc. but I can't sign them. I can take them to the doctor, but I can't authorize immunizations or treatments if it's needed immediately. I can fill out their papers to sign up for sports, but I can't sign them. I can help out with classroom stuff, but I can't go to parent/teacher conferences without Brian being with me. Even when Timothy had surgery on his eye last December and I called the hospital to get on a payment plan, I had to have Brian call them first for them to get his permission so they could take my card information. So I know how hard it is to not be able to just get things done that need to be done.
Building an Islam temple near the World Trade Center site:
I have a couple of views on this one. One, I understand that some people have issues with the Islam community, but people came to this country to be FREE. To be able to live as they wanted and to worship as they wanted without persecution. So no one should feel they are able to tell anyone where or how or when they can worship. Second, just because the murderers that attacked our country were using their Islamic religion as an excuse does not mean that everyone who is Islamic will do the same thing. These men were brainwashed by a maniac... I believe all terrorists are. I don't think any of them deep down believe what they do is right... they just put their faith in the wrong person. Just like the Nazis did with Hitler. All it took was ONE psychopath with the ability to sell their ideas. So don't hate an entire religion because of one idiot.
Gay Marriage:
I've touched on this one in another blog already. Bottom line, gays and lesbians are still people too. They bleed red just like everyone else. If they love their same sex partner with the same emotions as I love my husband, then I see no reason as to why they can't get married. I'm sure the people who are against it wouldn't appreciate someone else telling them how to live their lives, so they have no right to tell anyone else how to live theirs either.
The Death Penalty:
I believe that everyone has the right to a fair trial and that they are innocent until proven guilty. I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is how long they sit on death row with our tax dollars paying for them to have a roof over their head and three hot meals every day. There is no reason someone that has been sentenced to death should sit there for 30+ years waiting for execution and then file an appeal a week before their scheduled execution. I can think of a lot more productive things that my tax dollars could be spent on rather than letting someone on death row get by without having to worry about work, mortgage, poverty, taxes... they don't have any of the responsibilities than the rest of us do.
I also believe that certain crimes deserve the death penalty automatically. Rape is one of them. Once someone is raped, that person is scarred for life. There is no coming back from it. Yes, precautions need to be taken so that innocent people are not charged and convicted for a crime they did not commit, but that's true with ANY case. Child Molesters also need to get the death penalty. It's been proven that these kind of people cannot be rehabilitated. Once they do it one time, they'll do it again. Once is one time too many. So I think they need to be stopped before they do it again. I also believe first degree murderers should get the death penalty too. People like that are pure evil and if they think they can kill someone in cold blood, then they're going to do it again.
This is one of the topics that Brian and I disagree on. I don't like guns. Never have. In all honesty, I'm afraid of them and would prefer if they just disappeared all together. I understand that guns aren't what kill people... it's the people operating the guns that do. Regardless, I would prefer if guns were to just go away.
This is where I'm going to limit myself for tonight... I want to save some for another blog. Included in the next issues I will address will be "Obamacare". Tune in next time!!
i agree with you on guns i hate guns, me and will disagree on that subject also. (and if it dont tell you this is janet i couldnt figure out how to post it without going anonymous)