Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Common Courtesy

As many, or all, of you know, I have gone back into the office to start a new position at work. One thing I have to remember is that the place I work at employs well around 1800 people and not everyone shares my feelings on certain topics. One of those is respecting the needs of handicapped people.

What "inspired" this blog was a trip to the restroom today. (Not trying to gross anyone out or anything, but when inspiration comes, it doesn't always come in the most ideal places.) I walked in the restroom and around the corner and headed towards the stalls when the woman in front of me turns to the left and goes into the only handicapped stall in the bathroom. Now, I'm all for having a stall dedicated to handicapped people. More than one would be great seeing as we do have several handicapped people, elderly people, and injured people. But if one stall is all they can manage to fit in there, I guess I'll have to settle for that. But it would be great if everyone else would STAY OUT of this stall if you have no pressing reason to be in there. This woman in front of me was not handicapped. She was not elderly, she was middle aged. She didn't have a broken leg with crutches that won't fit in a normal sized stall. She wasn't any bigger than myself, so it's not like she just couldn't fit into a normal stall. She wasn't even running into the bathroom to show that she just couldn't hold it anymore. She walked into the stall without even given it a second thought. What if one of the people that this stall is dedicated to came in there and had to go?? Are people REALLY that thoughtless and self centered that they have to make sure they get the biggest stall?? That toilet flushes just the same as the others. Yes, there is more room in there, but it's there for a reason! Imagine someone with a walker or with crutches trying to get into a normal sized stall?  What about someone with a wheelchair?? How in the world are they going to get into a normal stall? What happens when someone is in that stall when they shouldn't be and they're taking forever and someone that really needs it can't hold it anymore? Is that person going to help the handicapped person clean it up?! I don't think so.

The same applies to handicapped parking spaces. I can't say that I don't like parking close to an entrance. In fact, I've been known to circle the parking lot until a car up close pulls out. Yes, I can be THAT lazy at times. But that doesn't mean I'm going to take a handicapped spot because I don't feel like walking any further. At work, we really don't have to worry about that. We have a pretty vigilant security team. (Maybe we should get a security officer in the bathroom?! I think I just found my next suggestion for the office!!) But it happens at stores a lot. People who aren't even close to needing a handicapped sticker seems to have one... and they USE it. Granted there's a lot more handicapped spaces at stores than there are designated restroom stalls, but it's the principle of it. If you aren't handicapped, leave the things that are meant for those people ALONE. It's called common courtesy.

But as long as we're on the topic of using things that belong to other people, we can touch on welfare. I understand that there are some people out there that truly need government assistance. Like if you're a single mother with three children and not getting any child support while having a full time minimum wage job. Even if that person has TWO full time minimum wage jobs and sacrifices any time at all with her kids, she's still going to fall below the poverty thresh hold more than likely. But in that example, the woman has a job. She's trying to make a living and to support her children. What really gets me is when people that are fully capable of getting a job and just don't. Why? Because they are able to live off of everyone else's tax money. Because they're lazy and have zero motivation and no drive to better themselves. Everyone is always looking for the easy way out and people that take advantage of welfare, in my opinion, are the epitome of that stereotype. The welfare system was not created or designed to support people... it was created to give people ASSISTANCE. And how in the world people can be at the store handing over food stamps out of a Gucci purse is completely beyond me. I honestly wonder if people like that take these expensive items with them or wear the expensive clothes when they go to the welfare office.

"I'm not saying let's kill all the idiots. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let it take care of itself."

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