Friday, March 8, 2013

Update, Part 3

...... Continued from Part 2....

So now that we’re expecting a little one, we have to expand our living area in the house. We have a partially finished basement that we are now in the process of building a bedroom for Timothy and a small office for me for when I eventually come back home to work. After those rooms are complete, we also plan on putting a bathroom in down there also. That one will be the most labor intensive and the most expensive I think, but I would prefer to have it done before the baby gets here so there’s not construction going on in the house with a newborn here also.

Then on January 12, I did something that I didn’t think I would do at all. I had texted my brother to let him know about the baby and he basically convinced me to tell our mother. Honestly, I hadn’t planned on telling her. I figured it would eventually get around to her. But, I caught a lot of crap from various people about how I didn’t reach out to her to tell her I had got married and I figured that it would make me the bigger person to at least let her know. So I sent her a message on Facebook. I don’t have her current address or a phone number, so that was pretty much the only way to do it. The message was pretty straightforward and to the point… I told her that I figured the news should come from me and events that led up to finding out we’re pregnant. (A very condensed version of the above story...) I wasn’t shocked when there wasn’t an immediate reply… I wasn’t sure if there would be a reply at all. But, on January 14, she responded. It was pretty long response… one that I had to pull up on the computer to read it all because it wouldn’t all load on the app on my phone. But, just because it was longer than I had anticipated, doesn’t mean the content was over par. She told me about my birth and the events leading up to it, which was nice because I know now what I can possibly expect. But the ending really bothered me. It said that she wishes me the best with our new addition and that she hopes I enjoy this experience as much as she enjoyed being my mommy. “The baby that you were… the woman you have become… I will always love you.” It caught me off guard at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it got to me. It’s been EIGHT YEARS since we’ve talked and she has the nerve to say “I’ll always love you” like that makes up for it? I don’t think so. But, it wasn’t an invitation for her to come back into my life… I have enough to deal with without the added drama. Maybe she knew that though? But that’s beside the point… I did what I needed to do.

We went to the doctor’s office on February 11 for our first baby appointment and got to start all the super fun testing (PLEASE read “super fun” with sarcasm… as MUCH sarcasm as possible…). The doctor told me that since I was only 10 weeks along that it was most likely we wouldn’t get to hear a heartbeat so he didn’t want me to get my hopes up. But… he was able to find a heartbeat! Not a faint one either… it was good and strong. Hearing that really relieved a lot of the worry that I had such as wondering if there was really a baby in there and if all three of those tests could have POSSIBLY been wrong. I’m pretty sure I didn’t stop smiling the rest of the day. The doctor ordered my standard prenatal blood work. If I’ve never mentioned before… I HATE needles… With a passion. To the point where I passed out after getting my ears pierced, almost passed out when my navel was pierced, and would have to be laid down when getting my birth control shot a few years ago. Brian was really great about it though… he left work early so he could drive me to get the blood drawn.

Shortly after, February 14, was our two year anniversary. It fell on a Thursday – skate night for the kids. Brian showed up at the skating rink with flowers and two balloons. He was very excited that I was the only one there with gifts. Seeing as we’re preparing for the baby, I was really glad he didn’t go out and get me something expensive again.

Fast forward to last night and we are far enough on the rooms where the first piece of drywall went up. Brian has surprised me a lot with how fast he’s putting up the materials. Between the bedroom, walk in closet, and office, the space taken up is about 270 sq ft. We had anticipated it taking up a lot more of the basement than it did, but now that the framing and insulation is done, it shows that there’s plenty of room left.

I am now officially in my 2nd trimester! I have definitely felt like I’ve had more energy… and by more energy, I mean, I’m not crashing as soon as I walk in the door from work but I’m still exhausted before bedtime. I haven’t had near as much nausea, but I’ve also learned when I need to eat so it will control the nausea.

My second baby appointment is this coming Tuesday… no blood work this time, thank heavens. From what I understand, they’ll just do more measurements, discuss my blood work results, and listen for a heartbeat again. Brian won’t be able to make it to this appointment, so my Mom will be going with me. I’ll be 14 weeks at this appointment and they won’t do an ultrasound until 20 weeks, so hopefully I’ll at least be able to get it scheduled. Can’t wait to find out what sex Peanut is!